Thing About The Music: Technology

Photo of a young man listening to music on his phone on wired earphones

An exploration of the revolutionary music technology of our generation, fueling composition, recording, production, distribution, and live performances.

Everyone listens to one form of music or the other at this point. It would be difficult to completely lock music out of your life even if you wanted to. Why? Because music is any vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined to produce form, harmony, and express an emotion or message. These are everywhere now. As a result, music technology, that which makes this possible, has grown into a very wide discipline spanning more than 1,505 distinct genres; according to Every Noise at Once.

Photo of Music Lovers at an Event by Wendy Wei on Pexels. Music technology article.
Photo of Music Fans at an Event by Wendy Wei on Pexels

Music Composition Technologies

Technology encompasses the practical applications of scientific knowledge. Also; the tools used for such practical purposes.
Perhaps the ultimate thrill for a music lover is witnessing their favorite artist perform their favorite song, live at a successful show.
However, before that. The instrumental sound is, of course, composed.

While researching for this section, we selected one of the world’s greatest film scorers and music composers of all time, Hans Zimmer, to be our case study.
In this regard, composition is herein used to refer to the instrumental works in a song.
Some of his famous compositions are soundtracks in films like Madagascar, Interstellar, The Lion King, and Batman.

Hans Zimmer uses voices, various instruments, electronic sounds, and recorded samples to create new compositions.

These combinations are today available digitally on many integrated Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) used in music recording studios.
Additionally, there are DAW software that run on personal computers and these include:

  • FL Studio
  • Logic Pro
  • Ableton Live
  • Pro Tools
  • GarageBand
  • Cubase

These have built-in programmes that music composers use to create, manipulate, and formulate instrumentals, unique beats, and sample voices.
Hans Zimmer reportedly popularly uses Cubase to compose music.

Such technologies have complimented many musicians’ creativity when creating extraordinary sounds and songs that are recognized today.

Music Recording and Production Technology

To be continued!

Write to City Digest – Technology, in the comments below about some of the cool tools you would like us to cover in the final article.


About Gordon Omondi

PropTech Startup Founder at—Real Estate Advertising | Bachelor of Real Estate (HONS), JKUAT, 2022 - (G.M.I.S.K) | City Digest Politics, Business, and Technology Writer.

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