KCSE 2024: Record-Breaking 965,501 Candidates to Sit Exams in 10,755 Centres

Kenya is gearing up for the 2024 Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) exams, set to start today, Tuesday, October 22. This year’s exams will host the largest number of candidates ever, with a staggering 965,501 students registered. This marks an increase from last year’s 903,138 candidates. The exams will be conducted in 10,755 centres, starting with practical and oral subjects.

These early assessments cover elective subjects like French (oral), German (oral), Kenyan Sign Language (practical), and music (practical). These exams serve as a prelude to the main written papers, which will begin on November 4.


Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) has assured that all papers will strictly follow the allocated time. “No extra time will be provided, except for special cases as indicated on the question paper,” the council said. Each exam will start promptly at 8 a.m., with afternoon sessions beginning at 2 p.m.

KCSE Candidates to Complete Exams by November 22

This year’s KCSE exams will conclude on November 22, with the final paper being a Physics practical. The examination council KNEC has added 41 more distribution centres, bringing the total to 617 to ensure smooth delivery of examination materials.

KNEC CEO, David Njeng’ere, confirmed, “We have installed additional containers for collecting exam papers twice a day, ensuring seamless distribution.”

In addition to the KCSE exams, the Kenya Primary School Education Assessment (KPSEA) for Grade Six students will also take place. This exam will not determine school placement as the transition to Grade Seven is automatic. A total of 1,313,913 Grade Six students are set to take KPSEA this year, adding to the overall count of 2,279,414 candidates sitting for national exams.

Logistical Challenges

The examination period coincides with the start of the short rainy season, which may affect the distribution of exam materials in some areas. Security officers have been assigned to assist in distributing materials and collecting students’ answer sheets. For KCSE, at least two security officers will be stationed at every exam centre to ensure safety and compliance.

KNEC has also introduced stricter rules to prevent malpractice. All personnel will be required to store their phones in lockable desks, with keys kept by supervisors under tight security.

Despite these preparations, a looming threat hangs over the KCSE 2024 exams. The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has threatened to boycott the exam period unless their demands for better pay and working conditions are met. The union is calling for improved allowances for examiners, invigilators, supervisors, and centre managers.

A past photo of KCSE students writing exams | COURTESY

KNEC, on the other hand, has reassured the public that marking will be completed before schools reopen on January 6, 2025, involving 32,480 teachers across 40 marking centres.

New Education Changes on the Horizon

As KCSE 2024 candidates prepare for their final exams, other students across the country are also facing significant changes. Learners under the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) will transition to Grade Nine in January 2025, completing junior school before moving on to senior school. The Kenya Junior School Education Assessment (KJSEA) will be introduced at the end of Grade Nine.

KNEC conducted a pilot assessment in July 2024 and will release the results later this month. These findings will guide the Ministry of Education in determining appropriate pathways for learners as they move into senior school.


About Mboto Harry Ivan

Mboto Harry is a Linguistics, Media and Communication student at Moi University. He is a print and digital journalist with 3+ years of writing quality and engaging news articles and feature stories across various platforms. Email: | WhatsApp: +254102796337

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